Monday, July 27, 2015

One set of Beyonce's chest makes them look up blocking

American singer Beyonce made the trip many interesting street to stop traffic as she traveled to a place to work in New York on Monday. This 33-year-old showed a smile on my face naturally beautiful flowers on a black dress and knee to chest sexy with a white jacket over the shoulder. According to British media Dailymail dress is Dolce & Gabbana brand and is worth about $ 1,500. Through this latest "Halo" always seems to show enthusiasm...

50 degrees in China could heat fried egg and shrimp without fire

Xi'an China's Shaanxi province, was attacked by strong heat waves sometimes reach 50 degrees. In the test area, brought together fried egg and shrimp using heat instead of electricity, and the result does not really make them disappointed. Last weekend, the heat on the stone floor in the city of Xi'an has increased up to 50 degrees, which allows you to live there cooking the eggs for about 20 minutes. In addition, they also try the shrimp cooked...

FFC printed sheet 1,200 0 tickets sold for today's game

Football Federation of Cambodia (FFC) sheet printed 12,000 tickets sold for the diversion in the grant BIDC U-16 Championship which marked down subsequent to Monday yesterday at Olympic Stadium. Cambodia national U-16 (AFF)  Sokha Neat, head of Marketing and Public Relations of the Football Federation of Cambodia, said the Cambodian Football Federation distributed Tickets for 12,000 cards and tickets have been on special since yesterday....

Because banks make mistakes a woman nearly 15 billion US dollars for 1 day

A woman from Kanpar Indian state of Uttar Pradesh has become rich within a day after the Bank mistakenly transferred money into her account. Urmila Yadav, who works in a cosmetic store bank money Kong only 2,000 rupees (31 dollars). Later, she received a message from the bank said that the $ 999 999 rupees ($ 15 589) to be entered In her account, and another said that about 9, 00 billion rupees ($ 14 030) has been removed . Receiving strange...

Man loses memory after treatment at a dental clinic

According to news published on India's Zee News last Monday said the man lost memory Today, after treatment at a dental clinic. Medical researchers in India, there are doubts in mind already, while 38-year-old man who has a strong body ointments, as well as good health lost memory after the anesthetic injection clinics for their dental treatment. So far, this has been around for a decade, and that male victims to be treated at their last...